September 13, 2020 – Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension

Fresh Start Christian Church
Service Outline
September 13, 2020

Current Teaching Series: “Understanding Who Jesus Is”

Main Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Fresh Start Christian Church Belief Statement – Jesus

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, shed His blood on Calvary in our place, was buried, rose again and ascended to the Father according to the Scriptures (Luke 1:26-33).

  • Jesus’ resurrection & ascension (Matthew 28:1-10)
    • John 20:11-18 – rose as incorruptible (everlasting life)
    • Isaiah 61:1-3 – to offer comfort and consolation

The Resurrection

Christ’s resurrection is proof that Christ made a full atonement for our sins and the guarantee of victory over death and the grave for all believers.

  • 1 Corinthians 15:1-22

Christ’s resurrection is not just about our eternal life later but the quality of our life now.

  • Romans 6:4-5

The Ascension

Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father to:

  • Allow for the Holy spirit to come (Acts 1:1-11)
  • Show that the sacrifice was complete, finished and accepted (Hebrews 1:1-3,
    Hebrews 10:12, Hebrews: 12:12)
  • Prepare a place for us (John 14:2)
  • Intercede on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25, Hebrews 2:17, Hebrews 4:14-15, Romans 8:3}


Bible Study will be held Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The link will be made available. This will be a game night to review everything we have learned.

Young Adult Meet & Greet, Wednesday, September 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Email for the link to the event.

Griffin Toastmasters is held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.  Please email if you would like to attend. The next meeting is September 22, 2020.

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