January 16, 2022 – Is your Faith Unmoveable?

Fresh Start Christian Church
Topic: Trust in God

Main Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths.

Facebook Service Link: https://fb.watch/aA2sy74hIT/

Is Your Faith Unmovable?

What is faith?: Hebrews 11:1-2

  • FAITH: a) strong belief or trust in someone or something; b) belief in the existence of God: strong religious feelings or beliefs.
  • FAITH (Greek) – In the Greek, the root word from which we get ‘faith, the noun is PISTIS, and believe’, the verb is PISTUEO. Faith means – belief, firm persuasion, assurance, firm as a conviction, faithfulness….

Why is faith important?: Hebrews 11:6

  • Faith shows our love for God.
  • Operating in faith no matter what it looks like or how you feel pleases God. God rewards those who seek Him consistently.

What must we do?: 2 Corinthians 5:7

  • Faith knows that no matter what the situation, in our lives or someone else’s that the Lord is working in it. We must trust, have that confidence, that even though I may not be able to see it right now, I will trust the Lord!
  • We can have faith in God’s Word because it will come to pass. – Isaiah 55:11

Where do you place your faith?: Psalm 20:7

  • Know that God is your source and everything else is a resource and be careful not to mistake one for the other.

“Faith is a decision met with an action!” Translation, faith without works is dead. James 2:14-26.

Faith stands solid on two things – “hearing and speaking” and one does not work without the other! 

  • Romans 10:17, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. You must always be mindful of what you speak, for the tongue has life and death in it. 
  • Proverbs 18:21, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

No matter your situation or whatever it is that you are believing the Lord Jesus for, use the power God has given you and Speak Life to your circumstance and believe God!

Remember FAITH the size of a mustard seed, Matthew 17:20 WILL move mountains AND if you believe and DO NOT doubt when you pray, Mark 11:24 assures us it will happen, but you have to believe and trust the Lord even when it’s not easy.


Sunday Worship Service will broadcast Live weekly on Facebook at 10:30 am. There will also be a virtual fellowship via Zoom after service. 

FSCC App: easytithe.ministryone.com/landing/rRgG

Griffin Toastmasters is held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please email freshstartccga@gmail.com if you would like to attend. The next meeting is January 25, 2022.

Monthly Corporate Prayer: Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. The prayer link will be sent via email monthly.

Corporate Prayer for those participating in the 2022 Fast: January 10th (7:00pm), January 19th (7:00pm), January 30th (9:00am), and February 9th (7:00 pm). To participate in prayer, please email us at freshstartccga@gmail.com.

Adult Group Book Reading & Review: Elijah by Pricilla Shirer Thursdays, January 13, 2022 to February 24, 2022 from 7-8:30 pm EST. There is no cost to participate in the small group study. Your materials will be mailed to you. If you are interested in joining the small group study and/or would like to invite a friend or family member to the small group, please complete the Elijah Small Group Form: https://forms.gle/td86Ff48yqhQgzZ56 

College Preparation Workshops: Applying for College (December 18, 2021), Financing College (January 8, 2022), and How to be Successful in College (February 19, 2022). All sessions are from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Register here: https://forms.gle/bw8CpVmhg4Dcf5kQ6.

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