February 27, 2022 – Walk Worthy

Fresh Start Christian Church
Topic: Trust in God

Main Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths.

Facebook Service Link: https://fb.watch/brkHM2JGsq/

Walk Worthy: Colossians 1:10

        that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in
        the knowledge of God

  • Walking worthy is to live in a manner that reflects what God has done for you and in you. (Ephesians 4:1-6, Philippians 1:27-2:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2)
    • Lowliness (Humility) and gentleness
    • Longsuffering (patience) and forbearance
    • Love – the same as Christ
    • Unity – like-minded, one accord, one mind, one spirit, complete harmony of purpose.
    • Peaceful
  • The quality of the fruit is based on the quality of the tree. (Matthew 7:15-20)

To receive the gospel is to come to know God. To know God is to do His will. To do his will is to know more and more of God.

Knowledge (Greek: gnosis) progressive, experiential and personal knowledge, knowledge that can grow.


Sunday Worship Service will broadcast Live weekly on Facebook at 10:30 am. There will also be a virtual fellowship via Zoom after service. 

FSCC App: easytithe.ministryone.com/landing/rRgG

Griffin Toastmasters is held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please email freshstartccga@gmail.com if you would like to attend. The next meeting is March 8, 2022.

Monthly Corporate Prayer: Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. The prayer link will be sent via email monthly.

Adult Group Book Reading & Review: Gideon by Pricilla Shirer Thursdays, April 14, 2022 to May 26, 2022 from 7-8:30 pm EST. There is no cost to participate in the small group study. Save the Date!

Youth and Young Adult Women’s Small Group Study:  Elijah Bible Study for Teen Girls by Priscilla Shirer, March 27th to April 8th. Please review this link for a preview of the Teen Elijah study: Elijah Bible Study for Teen Girls by Priscilla Shirer – YouTube. There is no cost to participate in the small group study. The materials will be mailed out. Please complete the Elijah small group form by February 27, 2022. Elijah Small Group Form: https://forms.gle/ZXaS1S6PgzQRYV9y7

Summer Music Camp: Music, dance and arts &  crafts, Ages: 5-18 , June 13, 2022 through June 18, 2022. Save the date!

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